It’s easy to see why our Elementary program is so effective! Brighton has tailored its learning disabilities programs for students who learn in unique and different ways. Personal attention in small groups is what we do. Learning Groups for core subjects average six students or fewer. Each student is assessed in each subject, and placed according to their need, whether they are above, below, or at grade level. We monitor progress and assess fit throughout the year, and move students as they progress.
In our special education programs, different kinds of Learning Groups meet different student’s needs. Curriculum-based groups follow the Ontario curriculum with some individual modifications or accommodations. Remedial groups provide more intensive focus in areas of need such as decoding or comprehension; math skills, or writing.
Primary, Junior & Intermediate Divisions
The Elementary side of our School has three divisions: our Primary homeroom is for grades 1, 2 & 3. The Junior homerooms include grades 4, 5 & 6; and our Intermediate homerooms are for grades 7 & 8.
Balanced Day Schedule
We divide our day into three 90 minute segments, with two 45 minute breaks. Students get a chance to eat their snack or lunch and still have plenty of time left to play and burn off energy before coming back to focus on lessons.
Individualized Instruction
We assess each student when they enter Brighton. Each year we prepare an IEP (Individual Education Plan) for each student that guides their learning. We ask parents for their input to the IEP as well. Teachers monitor students constantly so that problems can be identified and adjustments made quickly.
Differentiated Instruction
Teachers adjust learning goals to the abilities of each student. They vary the content (what the students learn), the process (how they learn, or the activities they do) and the products (what the student is required to produce) to meet the needs of each student. Differentiated instruction allows students of different abilities to participate and be successful in class
Classroom Technology
We are a G Suite for Education (Google) environment. All of our students have personally-assigned Chromebooks to use in all of their classes. Read & Write Assistive Technology is accessible by every student, in order to assist with speech to text dictation, word prediction in writing, and text to speech read-aloud. Teachers assign work using Google Classroom, so that students can complete and submit work online, directly to their teacher.
Teachers assign homework if classwork has not been completed, or to have students practice to consolidate concepts or skills. We believe that students should have some family time and free time each day.
You want to know what is going on with your child at Brighton. Teachers use email to communicate regularly with parents, and are always available for a phone call. In addition, Google Classroom automatically sends daily notices to parents with information on assignments, to keep you in the loop.
Report Cards
We email Report Cards home three times a year – in November, March, and June. Report Cards and marks are based on the modifications listed in each student’s IEP. We believe that a report card should be a summary and not a surprise to parents and students.
Students Requiring More Support
Brighton also organizes special education programs in public schools for supporting meaningful integration of students with different abilities in the classroom. Brighton will consider students who require 1:1 support in order to be successful with classwork or with social interactions. There are separate fees for 1:1 support.
Please contact our Principal, Irene McRae to set up a meeting.