Brighton – A Special Education School

Brighton is the leader in private special education schools in Toronto and is intentionally designed for elementary and secondary students with academic gaps or learning disabilities in reading, math or writing. Brighton has set the standard for special needs education in Toronto for the past 21 years by using best practices, evidence-based teaching methods, and curated remedial programs that support improvement in reading decoding, reading comprehension, math and writing.

Brighton School, established in 2003, is conveniently located in the DVP and Eglinton area, with lots of parking for easy drop offs and pick ups! We are a non-denominational, co-ed private day school for students from Kindergarten to grade 12. Completely renovated in 2021, Brighton is a warm, vibrant and personal school that understands students with academic challenges.

Our beautiful facilities include bright, airy classrooms; a center-hall style Learning Commons; a Fitness Centre; a Food and Science Lab; an Art & Music Room; a library; and a playground with different activity zones. Every classroom is equipped with Chromebooks, and students have access to a number of online auxiliary programs that support their learning both at school and at home.

Our ‘Balanced Day’ schedule with two well-spaced 45 minute breaks (instead of short 15 minute recesses) helps keep our students at a consistent energy and attention level throughout the day.

Brighton offers all the additional elements that make for a rich educational experience – after school clubs designed to build skills, friendships, teamwork and self-confidence; on-site tutoring available before, during or after the school day; annual concerts in December and May that are don’t-miss spectaculars; Year-end Fun Fair; quarterly Spirit Days; and Before and After School care.

Start Where the Kids Are!

Sounds simple, but most schools expect students to modify themselves for the curriculum.  
Brighton’s Learning Group structure allows students to be placed in Learning Groups at their level in each core subject, rather than trying to keep up to curriculum that may be too high or low for them.