Brighton Launch is an educational day program for young adults 18+ with challenges, who are preparing to move from school to post-school activities: employment or supported employment, further education, independent or supported living and community participation. Whatever the destination, we help to prepare our young adults for “lives of success.”
To create ‘lives of success’, we need to consider all of the factors that contribute to a well-rounded, fulfilling and complete adult life. The Brighton Launch program provides a comprehensive, all-inclusive and integrated approach to teaching skills in six key domains: Independent Living Skills; Workplace Skills/Job Training; Community Skills; Private Matters: Social Skills & Self-Regulation; and Foundation Skills (Language, Literacy & Numeracy).
Brighton Launch is located at 40 Wynford Drive, Suite 202, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1J5.
For more information about the Launch Adult Program, please visit our website, or call 416-932-8273 ext. 200